Cornwall Housing's Scrutiny Panel started twelve years ago and has a membership of 15 volunteers. This is through an open recruitment process and interview.
They are a ‘critical’ friend to Cornwall Housing (CHL), investigating services and identifying where improvements can be made.
We are now offering two ways to be involved in scrutiny, to accommodate different commitments.
Core Group - more involved membership. Attending meetings online and face to face, researching, site visits and helping to write report to present to CHL
Task & Finish Group - more informal way to be involved, to work around your commitments and time restraints. Undertake specific tasks, looking at areas of interest and skill set.
As detailed below we are pleased to present our Void report (CHL empty properties). We are confident that the recommendations we have made to CHL will help improve and quicken up the process for residents.
Before we decide what area to scrutinise next, we are focusing on promoting the Scrutiny Panel and recruiting new members.
Please get in touch to learn more about the different ways to be involved, details below.
The Panel have just completed their investigation into how CHL manage their Void process (empty homes) and titled their report "With the housing crisis in Cornwall, why are Cornwall Housing voids taking so long". This report has been present to the Audit & Risk Board Committee, by the Scrutiny Chair.
They made 13 recommendations to CHL and an action plan has been developed to make improvements in this area.
Please read through their complaint handling report
Please look out for our update articles in the Tenants' Newsletter.
The Panel hold their AGM in May each year.
We have vacancies on the Panel. To find out more, please phone the number below or complete the details on the Scrutiny Leaflet.
We'll be holding an awareness sessions late February/early March for customers that have expressed an interest in becoming a Scrutiny Panel member. The awareness session gives you the opportunity to meet the members, ask questions and learn more about the Panel.
For more information please contact Jo May on the number below.
Please read our Tenant Led Scrutiny Panel Leaflet
The panel of tenants choose an area of the housing service to take an in depth look at and see how it could provide a better service, and make recommendations to CHL. They meet online and in person, on average once per month. Their next Scrutiny exercise is starting in spring.
Training, expenses are provided and support with IT access are available if required.
If you are interested in being a member of the scrutiny panel or would like to find out more information, please contact Julia Walsh on 0300 1234 161 or email Myviews@cornwallhousing.org.uk.