Our Executive Leadership Team are responsible for ensuring Cornwall Housing’s consumer standards are met. They are the leads for the safety and maintenance of Council owned homes, managing the services we provide for tenants, meeting best governance practice, and improving employee culture.
Su Spence
Managing Director
As the chief officer for staff, Su is on the Board. Su is the lead responsible for meeting the consumer standards. Su is accountable to the Board led by the Chair, and to the Council through lead housing commissioner, Louise Wood.
Ian Frazer
Executive Director of Asset Management
Ian is the lead for safety compliance, our investment programme and planned maintenance, as well as responsive repairs.
Hayley Austin
Executive Director of Housing Operations
Hayley is our lead for housing management and neighbourhood services, customer contact and engagement. This includes complaints handling and managing disrepair claims.
Rachel Smith
Executive Director of Resources
Rachel’s role is to improve our employee culture, ensure that we meet best governance practice, and that our IT systems are fit for purpose. Rachel’s responsibilities are to oversee all the finance, performance and governance – which includes information governance, as well as People and Health and Safety.