We aim to ensure that this website can be used as effectively and easily as possible by all users.
Our site is tested regularly by Sitemorse, an independent benchmark service, and the majority of our content meets Web Accessibility Initiative level 2 (AA).
The Web Accessibility Initiative website has more information on accessibility guidelines.
The website is designed to be used by all browsers. If you are having problems using a specific browser, or have any questions or issues with accessibility, please contact us at communications@cornwallhousing.org.uk
Blind and partially sighted users can obtain information on viewing pdf documents by visiting the Adobe access website.
PDF documents can be converted back into webpages (HTML) or text, by using the Adobe web based conversion tool. Please note this may not work for all PDF documents, depending on their content.
A Microsoft Word document viewer can be downloaded if you do not have Microsoft Word on your computer.
The abilitynet website explains the many ways you can change your browser, computer, keyboard and mouse settings to make the web more accessible for you.
The My Web My Way pages on the BBC website have some useful information about accessing websites.
You can alter the text size by choosing the 'view' in the browser menu:
You can also alter the colours used on webpages:
Website content can be translated into may different languages using the translate option on all content pages. Use the drop down list to choose a language.
Documents published by Cornwall Council can be produced in a variety of formats on request. These formats can include audio, Braille, large print, easy read, alternative language, alternative document type (e.g. Word, pdf), face to face meeting, telephone call).
If you would like an alternative format of any document on our website, please contact communications@cornwallhousing.org.uk
We follow Plain English guidelines to try and make the content of the website as clear as possible.
Editorial Control
By using a content management system, we have enabled all departments of the council to maintain their own areas of the website. Once pages have been edited they are submitted to the web team to be checked for accessibility, technical, plain English and other aspects including spelling and grammar, image sizes, page length and meta data.
In addition, the web team also needs to make sure that the content is relevant and displayed in the correct way so that pages within the website are consistent.
If you have had any problems at all using our website for any reason, please contact us and let us know. We will then look into the problem and try to make the necessary changes.