If you find yourself struggling with finances, quite often you will be encouraged to claim Universal Credit. However, this may not be the best route for you. Before you go ahead, it may be worth speaking to an Inclusion Advisor for advice.
We have a team of Inclusion Advisors who give advice and support on topics like:
Just call 0300 1234 161 and ask to speak to your Inclusion Advisor.
We have also put together some organisations that offer Entitlement Checkers to help you find out exactly what you can claim:
Entitled To: |
Turn to Us Benefits Calculator: |
Age UK: |
Call for free advice and support 0800 678 1602 or visit: www.ageuk.org.uk/information-advice/money-legal/benefits-entitlements/pension-credit/ |
Help for Households Government Support
There have been a series of announcements from the government regarding support with energy bills, extra support for people with disabilities, cost of living payments and more. Full information can be found on the government’s Help for Households hub: www.helpforhouseholds.campaign.gov.uk
Cornwall Council Household Support Fund
The Cornwall Council website provides financial help for those struggling, including one off payments, free school meals, food bank details, tips for saving money, and more: www.cornwall.gov.uk/costofliving