
In this section

Your feedback from our surveys makes a difference. We listen to your views and use your comments to make improvements to our services. 


We are now at the end of the first ever round of Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) that all housing providers need to collect for 2023/24.

We want to be open with residents about how we are doing, so have decided to publish the tenants satisfaction survey results so far…


Your Call (TSM results) from April 23 to March 24

1023 tenants took part in our Your Call survey by the end of March. These social rent tenants were randomly selected by the independent specialist Acuity, ensuring that they had a fairly representative sample based on age, district area and tenancy type.

As of March 2024, these results for the year have a 2.9% margin of error

We are looking into the results, and whilst they are  similar to other councils and social housing providers, we want to do much better. Your feedback is helping us rethink our priorities so that we continue to try to improve and better meet your expectations.

You can see the results below, or download this Your Call 2023-24 results sheet.

A picture of Overall


Overall Satisfaction

71% satisfaction overall with the service we provide

A picture of Safety


Safety satisfaction

78% satisfaction that tenants' feel their homes are safe.

A picture of Neighbourhoods


Neighbourhood satisfaction

58% satisfaction in how we handle anti-social behaviour. 59% satisfaction that communal areas are kept clean and well maintained. 62% satisfaction that we make  positive contribution to our neighbourhoods.

A picture of Repairs and Maintenance

Repairs and Maintenance

Repairs and maintenance satisfaction

74% satisfaction with the overall repairs service. 73% satisfaction with the time it takes for a repair to be completed. 68% satisfaction with how well homes are maintained.

A picture of Engagement


Engagement satisfaction

58% satisfaction that we listen and act upon tenants views. 75% satisfaction that we keep our tenants informed. 77% satisfaction that we treat our tenants fairly and with respect. 


A picture of Complaints


Complaints satisfaction

28% satisfaction with how we handle complaints*

*We have looked into this feedback to understand and see how we can improve - see below

A picture of Other


Other satisfaction

69% satisfaction that we are easy to deal with.


 What are we doing about poor performance?

We are reviewing the results and the feedback to see what we can do to improve our performance. For example -

We looked into the feedback about our complaint handling performance. Many residents gave Acuity permission to match their details with their feedback. We could see that many of the residents who were dissatisfied with our complaints handling hadn’t made a formal complaint in the previous 18 months. Many residents had made an informal complaint to our repairs team or a housing officer, and are saying that they are dissatisfied with how that is handled. This ties in closely to how residents judge our ability to listen and act – satisfaction on this measure is mostly judged on how we handle day to day enquiries – especially in repairs and maintenance. We are developing a number of medium – long term changes to improve how we manage enquiries and repairs and maintenance.

 This summer, we will identify how we will respond to the annual results, and communicate this to residents in the autumn magazine. 


This page has been reviewed by residents on our Communications Crew and the text has been developed based on their suggestions.