The Right to Buy scheme is a scheme which the Government offers to help eligible Council house tenants purchase their home at a discounted price.
There are certain rules and regulations which have to be met, and these are set out by the Government, not the Council.
For instance:
More information is available in the Government brochure on 'Your right to buy your home' or in our own Right To Buy publication.
You can download the Right to Buy application form or contact us directly for an application form.
Buying a home is a long term financial commitment, we therefore recommend that you get independent financial and legal advice concerning mortgage products available to you and the legal process involved. Many local mortgage advisors offer free advice on what can be a complicated process.
You can find more information about Right to Buy on the your right to buy your home website.
Free independent mortgage and financial advice is available on the 'the Money Advice Service' web site.
An owner should not be renting out as holiday lets, letting them out to students or making significant alterations to their property. In rural areas especially there are also restrictions on who the property can be bought by or rented to in the future, in many cases, the new owner or tenant has to have a Cornwall connections. For more information, see the Post Right to Buy Enforcement Policy document.