
In this section

Report a hate crime or incident

Hate crimes and incidents

Hate crime is any crime motivated by prejudice against someone because of their actual or perceived:

  • Race, nationality, skin colour or ethnicity
  • Sexual orientation (refers to the gender or genders a person is attracted to)
  • Disability (including physical disability, learning disability, mental health difficulty and sensory impairment)
  • Religion (including sectarianism, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia and other forms of religious prejudice)
  • Transgender identity (refers to a person's gender identity, or expression, that differs from gender assumptions made about them at the time of their birth)

Along with our partners, we work to increase awareness of hate crime, prevent hate crime from happening, encourage reporting when it does happen and, ultimately, put a stop to it.

We take a zero-tolerance approach to hate crime and are committed to ensuring that all Cornwall Housing residents are equally able to live, work and study without fear of being targeted due to an aspect of their identity.

Report a hate crime 

If you were a victim of crime because of a protected characteristic detailed above, you should tell us this when making your report. You should contact the police for any crime, including if someone:

  • Was violent towards you
  • Threatened you
  • Intimidated you
  • Harassed you
  • Damaged your property

Report a hate crime by calling the police on:

101 (or 999 in an emergency)

Hate incidents

You can report hate incidents to us and we will see if we can help. Incidents you can report to us include if someone:

  • Verbally abused you
  • Made negative comments about you (including on social media)
  • Directed antisocial behaviour at you
  • Was hostile towards you

You can also report a hate incident to us if you were a witness and not the victim.

What we can do

Once you've made your report, we will speak to you and agree how we want to deal with the incident. Depending on what happened, we might be able to:

  • Practice restorative justice
  • Issue a warning
  • Work with the police to prosecute them
  • Take legal action against the perpetrator

Report a hate incident

Use our online form

Telephone 0300 1234 161

Email: info@cornwallhousing.org.uk