
In this section



We want our neighbourhoods to be safe, secure, clean places where residents feel happy and proud to live.

We work in partnership with many other agencies to actively manage our neighbourhoods. Cornwall Council is responsible for grounds maintenance, refuse collection (including bulky refuse), fly-tipping, recycling, abandoned vehicles, dogs and pest control. Their Planning Department is responsible for trees, and private contractors carry out communal cleaning to blocks of flats. Cornwall Council, in turn, work with contractors and partners to provide certain services, such as Cory Environmental for refuse and recycling and CCVS Trading for recycling. However, if you have an issue with any of the above you can report it to us and we will do our best to resolve it. 

Estate Walkabouts

We regularly visit all our estates to make sure they are clean, safe and nice places to live. On our larger estates we hold an “Estate Walkabout” where officers from across Cornwall Housing meet with Councillors and tenant representatives on the estate, to walkaround all estate areas to review conditions and discuss problems. If you have areas which you are concerned about, please contact your Area Housing Officer

Housing Officer conducting an estate walkabout

Upcoming Estate Walkabouts 2024

If you would like to attend an Estate Walkabout, please contact us.

Area Estate Date & Time
Truro Malabar Estate Wednesday 19 June, 10:00
Looe Sunrising Estate Tuesday 2 July, 10:00

Wilton Terrace
Tower Close
Luffman Close

Thursday 11 July, 10:00

Harris Court
Saracen Way
Saracen Crescent
Saracen Close
Saracen House
Charter Close

Postponed - new dates to follow



Grass cutting

We now have a grass cutting programme, so you can find out when your communal grassed area is due to be cut. This may vary in the summer months, depending on the weather.

Estate rangers clearing up estates