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Managing our trees

Can I cut down a tree in my garden? 

Trees are a fantastic source of summer shade. But when trees grow large, they can start blocking light and create a huge amount of leaf-fall onto paths. You are responsible for maintaining your garden. However, for any significant tree pruning you will need to contact us. This is so we can check with the Council for permissions and make sure it is managed in a safe way.

How do I ask for a tree to be cut down or cut back?

Wherever possible, we work with residents to preserve our trees. We rarely fell them and only do so where they are dead, dying or suffering from a disease. If you have a concern about a tree in your garden or on the land in your community, call us, or email groundsmaintenance@cornwallhousing.org.uk with the location, reason, and photos if possible.

“We follow national guidelines and Cornwall Council’s environmental policies. Our aim is to maintain our current trees, whilst increasing the number of trees in our open spaces.” Alastair Spencer, Neighbourhood Services Manager 


Workmen felling a tree