Normally if you have purchased a council flat there will be a service charge applicable to your property. This charge is to cover costs for providing services and maintenance to your property as well as the cost for insuring the building in which your property is located. There will also be a charge for ground rent, which is applicable to all leasehold properties bought under the 'Right to Buy' scheme in this country.
The Communities and Local Government leaflet 'Residential Long Leaseholders' provides some useful information on leaseholders' rights and responsibilities.
As a leaseholder you may be responsible for repairs and maintenance of your home.
Current leaseholders can also refer to their leaseholder handbook.
If you are a leaseholder, a current tenant thinking of buying your council flat or maisonette, or you are considering purchasing a flat from a leaseholder, and you want to talk to one of our team please use the contact details shown on this page.