
In this section

Major Works


Alternative accommodation during major works

If you are a Council tenant and major works need to be carried out to your home, it may be possible to arrange for temporary accommodation.

This will depend on your personal circumstances and the extent of the works which need to be carried out. We will talk with you and your family to decide whether it is appropriate to move you in order for major works to take place.

In most cases this won't be necessary and we will be able to carry out works around you.

If you have any concerns or queries, speak to your housing officer as soon as possible. To contact your area Housing Officer telephone 0300 1234 161.

Access for surveying

From time to time we may need to gain access to your home to undertake surveys. This could be for a number of reasons:

  • Prior to major repairs being undertaken
  • To update records on the condition of housing stock
  • To carry out specialist surveys, for example, to identify the presence of asbestos

If we need to gain access to your property to undertake survey work the surveyor will carry identification and should have a pre-arranged appointment.

Do not allow any person into your home if they do not have identification with them. If you are in any doubt please contact us by telephoning 0300 1234 161.