If you have mobility problems which make it difficult for you to get around your home, up and down stairs or in and out of the bath, help may be available to let you live more comfortably.
The sort of facilities that might be provided include extra handrails on stairs, in your bathroom or toilet, or perhaps improvements such as a ramp to help you get in and out of your home more easily.
The help you can get will be decided by what your needs are and the type of home you live in and whether it can be adapted. We may offer you a property which has been adapted that will meet your requirements.
If you think you need an adaptation to your home then you can visit your doctor, who will put you in touch with Adult Care and Support . Adult Care and Support will then send an occupational therapist out to visit you. Their recommendations will then be sent on to us for action.
You can also get in touch with your local Adult Care and Support office yourself by telephoning 0300 1234 131. You can explain to them that you need to be assessed for an adaptation to your home due to disability, mobility problems or illness. They will then arrange for an occupational therapist to discuss your situation with you and work out what you need in the way of help and what adaptations would be most suitable.
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