
Help with damp, mould and other common problems

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Help with damp, mould and other common problems


What should I do about damp and mould?


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 Please use this link if the video above doesn't show. Damp and mould animation video

More information can be found in our introductory leaflet

If you’re already following our guidelines about preventing mould and condensation and can see a ‘tidemark’ in the area, you may have a damp problem. This can be caused by things like:

  • Leaking pipes, wastes or overflows
  • Rain getting in where a roof tile or slate is missing
  • Spillage from a blocked gutter
  • Water entering around window frame

Please contact us so we can assess the situation right away. 

More information can be found in the following leaflets:

Preventing mould and condensation

If your windows are getting steamy or your window ledges are wet then there’s too much moisture in the air. Here are some tips to help you prevent condensation and mould in your home:

A picture of step 1

step 1


Set your heating to come on for a longer period but at a lower temperature; spikes in temperature from very warm to very cold create the perfect conditions for condensation to form.

A picture of step 2

step 2


Make sure you always have your extractor fans on when you’re in the shower or bath, or when you’re cooking, and keep the kitchen or bathroom doors closed too.

A picture of step 3

step 3

remove excess water

Wipe water away from windows to avoid mould.

A picture of step 4

step 4

air rooms

Open windows when you can to let fresh air in and moist air out - especially first thing in the morning.

A picture of step 5

step 5

dry washing

Dry your clothes outside, if you can - if that’s not an option then think about drying them in the bathroom or kitchen, keep the extractor on, a window open and the doors closed.

A picture of step 6

step 6

allow air space around furniture

Make sure your furniture is away from radiators and external walls as this stops air moving around your home.

A picture of step 7

step 7

put lids on pans

Keep lids on your pans when you’re cooking to stop steam escaping.

A picture of step 8

step 8

tumble drying

If you have a tumble dryer, make sure it’s ventilated outside.

A picture of step 9

step 9

clean away mould

If you do get mould, use a mould cleaning product to remove it.

Other things to consider:

  • Keep your home warm
  • Make sure you have plenty of ventilation and air circulation
  • Do not use bottled gas fires and paraffin heaters
  • Open up vents in windows if possible
  • Never block up a chimney completely – have an air vent fitted
  • If you use a tumble dryer, use a condensing tumble dryer or one that vents to the outside
  • Keep kitchen and bathroom doors closed to prevent moist air from spreading to other rooms
  • Don’t overfill cupboards or wardrobes
  • Use an extractor fan if fitted
  • Where possible put wardrobes/cupboards against internal not external walls and leave a gap of 2” or 50mm behind wardrobes/cupboards on external walls
  • If you have ‘trickle vents’ fitted on windows, make sure they are open at all times

More information can be found in our leaflet.

If you continue to have problems with damp, mould and condensation, contact us on 0300 1234 161.

Video tip

John Harris, Launceston tenant and Chair of the Tenant’s Forum providing his ‘top-tips’ on preventing condensation during the winter months.

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Further information is available in the Tenant Handbook

Help with other common problems