
In this section



At Cornwall Housing, we always aim to listen and respond to resident issues. Take a look below at some of the things we've acted on over the past few years. 


You said...

In February/March 2024, residents at some of our older person higher need schemes said they aren't always clear on where the fire assembly point is for their scheme.

We did!

Following a review of fire assembly points, we are installing new internal and external signage to ensure it is clear for residents, staff and visitors. 


You said...

In February 2024, 13 tenants in the Communications Crew said our Your Call results infographic is clear and easy to understand. But the web page could be improved, with more background information about who participated in the survey and some information about what we are doing about poor performance. 

We did!

We have added the suggested information to the webpage and will use this to inform future publications. 


You said...

In Jan 2024 - March 2024, 49 residents in our complaint handling satisfaction survey said whilst satisfaction for complaints handling has increased, dissatisfaction has increased for the outcome of the complaint. The main reason is due to the time taken to complete the works and lack of communication. 

We did!

We are trialling a different approach for handling repairs and maintenance complaints. 


You said...

In April 2023 - March 2024, 333 tenants in our Your Call Tenant Satisfaction Measures survey (just over half surveyed) said they are satisfied with the cleanliness and maintenance of communal areas.

We did!

We expanded the Neighbourhood Ranger team to improve our maintenance and cleanliness of communal areas. 


You said...

In December 2023-January 2024, a tenant from Falmouth and one from Bodmin said they had received invites to join the text survey for repairs satisfaction when they had not had a repair completed.

We did!

We contacted you for more information and raised this with our repairs colleagues. 



You said...

In December, 8 tenants from the Communications Crew reviewed the draft sewage system leaflets. They all felt that the content and design was clear and easy to read, and some said how helpful the information is, especially the diagrams. Some recommended to make the sub-headers more bold, and to highlight the 'flushable' label section.

We did!

We have made those design amendments to the leaflets. 


You said...

In December, the Tenants' Forum complaints working group welcomed the new activity to scrutinise a sample of complaints. After looking at the sample of step 1 and 2 complaints and responses, you emphasised the importance of communicating with the resident and keeping them up-to-date, and made several recommendations about details of the process.

We did!

Our complaints training and updates will be reviewed to emphasise to staff the importance of communicating with the resident and keeping them up-to-date. We will review all the recommendations as a team and implement as many as possible. 


You said…

Throughout 2023, our Estate Monitors said that some areas of grounds maintenance and cleaning need improvement.

We did!

We listened to your comments about our service in your neighbourhood and worked with our contractor to make improvements in specific neighbourhoods and to overall performance. We sent a newsletter to our estate monitors in February to provide feedback. 


You said...

In November, the Tenants' Forum heard from tenants about different length of times that surveyors have been in the home for a stock condition survey, and asked for more information for residents.

We did!

We have explained how there are different types of surveys and have created tenant information for our website and customer magazine to raise awareness of this. 


You said...

In November, 123 tenants in the rents and spend consultation (11 of whom joined an online discussion group) said that some homes are beyond repair and should be sold. Most tenants feel that when repairs exceed £75k it should be considered. The priorities for spend are maintaining existing homes and creating new homes, with a strong emphasis on tackling new homes. At the online group, tenants felt that there needed to be more discussion about what the policy is for expensive to maintain homes if a tenant is living there.

We did!

This has informed the proposals to the Council about the Housing Revenue Account Business Plan and the Council has committed to further engage with tenants about policies for selling homes and what to do about sitting tenants. 


You said...

In November, 7 tenants from the Communications Crew said our draft 'electrical re-wire leaflet' looked good and was easy to read. A few people said that the colour orange was overused. The drawings could be better with an explanation of what they are or replaced with photos.

We did!

We revised the leaflet to reduce the colour orange, especially at the introduction part of the leaflet. We also took out the drawings and added photos.


You said...

From October - December, 12 residents in our complaint handling satisfaction survey said that there is still a mixed experience with complaint handling.

We did!

We looked into some specific actions as a result of the feedback - including checking that it is clear that the response letter is included on the email. 


You said...

In September, 60 residents across four community engagements about damp and mould said you would like an update about the action being taken to address your damp and mould. Some of you welcome energy advice    

We did!

Surveyors and staff from Cornwall Housing worked to get you an update. We asked a representative of National Energy Action to provide advice and support. We are including information about this in our magazine. 


You said…

In September, at the Tregurra Park residents meeting, you said what equipment you'd like to see.         

We did!

This helped Cornwall Housing and TCC to choose the right equipment for residents needs and to finalise the s106 funding process.                


You said…

In September, 10 tenants from the Communications Crew said that the draft new leaflets for Damp Mould and Condensation are easy to understand the text and content, but made some recommendations for improvements.  

We did!

We made most of the changes they recommended (see report for details), and we labelled each leaflet 'Reviewed by Residents.'               


You said…

In August, 1125 residents took part in the Better Connections communications and engagement survey.  Many tenants said you prefer to be kept up to date via letter and the customer magazine, but some of you prefer email and the website. Nearly 80% of you use the internet and many use a mobile phone to do this. Just over half of you use social media and this is mostly Facebook, but very few of you regularly check our social media. Over half of you have visited our website in the last year, and 1/5 found it difficult to use. Many tenants prefer postal or telephone surveys, and others prefer email and web surveys, and less than 10% are willing to get involved in meetings to share views and experiences. However, a quarter of tenants are interested in getting more involved.         

We did!

This feedback will inform the development of our communications and engagement strategies during autumn/winter 2023.               


You said…

In July, 14 tenants from the Communications Crew said that they like the easy-to-read statistical format of the annual report. They said that the best format that works is by email and on the website, with information in the customer magazine.  

We did!

We created an infographic style report. In September, we published it on the website and in the magazine, and promoted it in our customer email-newsletter.         


You said…

From June - August, the Tenants' Forum said that extra information and training for Forum members about KPIs/TSMs and Homechoice would be beneficial.       

We did!

We organised two workshops to explain these areas and for Forum members to ask any questions to improve their understanding.         


You said…

In June, the Tenants' Forum gave us feedback on electric vehicle charging. 

We did!

We created new guidance for staff and tenants.         


You said…

In June, the Tenants Forum said they wanted information on how much fans cost to run, including PV fans.   

We did!

We developed a customer leaflet about how much on average different fans cost to run.  


You said…

In May, the Oaklands Green Residents Survey revealed what tenants wanted at the community centre. Some residents wanted to be involved in a management committee.

We did!

We supported residents to form a new committee and relaunch the local community centre in Oaklands Green, to provide some of the activities tenants wanted.       


You said…

In April, 25 tenants in two online discussions said that good information and communication about damp and mould is important and needed. The use of hygrometers to measure the amount of damp in the air is welcomed.

We did!

We reviewed and improved our information, including a new web video. We also improved our customer communication with a new triaging process, held pop-up engagement events and rolled out the use of hygrometers. 


You said…

Around 250 tenants per quarter who took part in the Your Call phone survey from March - September, said how satisfied and dissatisfied they are with our performance.     

We did!

These results were reported to our Board and we will use this feedback to inform our service delivery plan. We looked into and followed up on comments where you said we could have your details, and have also been updating our contact information where the phone number is no longer valid.          


You said…

In March, the Virtual Panel said the logo for the Tenant Satisfaction Measure Phone Survey should include an icon of a phone, with clear writing and warm colours. It should not be too corporate, but not too informal.

We did!

This informed our final branding and logo design choice 


You said…

In January, the Tenants' Scrutiny Panel said we should promote an easy to understand complaint service standards and process in the customer magazine. We should also re-launch the customer complaints satisfaction survey.

We did!

We have developed our complaints service standard and satisfaction survey with the Tenants Scrutiny Panel and launched the survey at the end of quarter two. We have included articles about our complaints process and service standard in our spring and autumn magazine.   


You said…

In January, tenants who took part in the complaints survey said the most important things are dealt with quickly, things being put right, the complaints process is easy to access and understand, and being kept informed.

We did!

We have developed our processes to prioritise these.


2018 - 2022